طريقة عمل كتابة بشكل مائل ثلاثية الابعاد

3:55 م | | | 0تعليقات

In this quick tip tutorial we will demonstrate how to create a cinematic “Action” Text Effect in Photoshop using layer styles. Let’s get started!

Tutorial Assets

The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial. 
Step 1

Make a new .PSD document; size 1000 x 500 pixels, RGB color, 100 dpi and White background. Create a new layer and fill it with a Leather Texture/Pattern and go in the menu Layer > Layer Styles > Blending Options and use these settings:

Step 2
Now create the text using this font: SF Fedora. Use these settings: 170 pt – Anti-Alias: Sharp. Now rename this text: “3D”. Then we have to distort the text, so click on tool “Create Warped Text” as shown in the screen below:

Step 3

Then go in the menu Layer > Layer Styles > Blending Options and use these settings:

Step 4
Duplicate the text and rename it “Base”. Right click on his layer and click to “Clear Layer Style” or in the Styles Palette click on the first style “Default style (None)” (It’s the same thing). Now move this text slightly to the right in order to create a “pseudo 3D effect” with the text below (Look picture below). Then go in the menu Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options and use these settings:

Lastly to make the text effect nicer I added some light around the text with simple brushes and color lights with soft brushes. Now your text effect is completed!

تابع القراءة Résuméabuiyad

شرح عمل كتابة ثلاثة الابعاد مع خلفية قمة في الروعة والابداع

3:40 م | | | 0تعليقات

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

شرح عمل كتابة ثلاثة الابعاد مع خلفية قمة في الروعة والابداع الادوات لعمل الكتابة كلها موجودة في الفوتوشوب
اترككم مع الشرح الممتع بالتوفيق

هذه الصورة من تصميمي 

Step 1

First create a new .PSD document, 600 x 400 pixels in RGB mode, 72 DPI with any background color. Now prepare your assets. Install the Xenippa font onto your computer and open both .PAT files. If you do not know how to install a PAT file onto your computer, take a look at this tutorial explaining the preset manager.

Step 2

Go to Menu > Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options and use the settings below. You can also access Blending Options by double clicking on the layer in your layers menu. The other way is to right click on the layer in your layers menu and choose Blending Options. When you are done with all the settings below, don’t forget to hit "OK" in the Blending Options window.

Step 3

Now we can start applying our text effect. First choose the type tool and change font to Xenippa, size 250 pt and anti-aliasing, Sharp. Now type your text somewhere in the center of the image. You can write any word, but in this tutorial I’ll use "Lord."

Step 4

Finally, we are ready to start with our text style. Go to Menu > Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options and use the settings below on your text. You can also use the quicker methods to access Blending Options from "Step 2" of this tutorial. When you are done with all the settings below, don’t forget to hit "OK" in the Blending Options window.

Step 4

We are almost there. Now we need to duplicate our text layer. Select the text layer in layer menu and go to Menu > Layer > Duplicate layer and name it as you wish. Now go to Menu > Layer > Layer Style > Clear Layer Style as we will make different style for this layer. Finally, go to Menu > Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options and use the settings below on our text. Again, you can use the quicker methods to access Blending Options from "Step 2" of this tutorial. When you are done with all the settings below, don’t forget to hit "OK" in the Blending Options window.


You have now completed this tutorial. Your text should now look similar to the image below.
تابع القراءة Résuméabuiyad

التبادل الاعلاني

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